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논문 - 2022년

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연구성과 논문 (2022)
논문제목 게재학술지명 학술지구분 ISSN 년월(YYYY MM)
고영준 BTENet: Back-Fat Thickness Estimation Network for Automated Grading of the Korean Commercial Pig Electronics (Basel) SCIE 2079-9292 202204
고영준 MSENet: Marbling score estimation network for automated assessment of Korean beef Meat Science SCIE 0309-1740 202206
고영준 Light Field Image Super-Resolution Based on Multilevel Structures IEEE Access SCIE 2169-3536 202206
고영준 Use of a graph neural network to the weighted gene co-expression network analysis of Korean native cattle Scientific Reports SCIE 2045-2322 202206
고영준 Local Memory Read-and-Comparator for Video Object Segmentation IEEE Access SCIE 2169-3536 202208
고영준 Sequential Clique Optimization for Unsupervised and Weakly Supervised Video Object Segmentation Electronics (Basel) SCIE 2079-9292 202209
김기일 Embedded Coded Relay System for Molecular Communications Computers, Materials and Continua SCIE 1546-2218 202203
김기일 A Sparse Optimization Approach for Beyond 5G mmWave Massive MIMO Networks Computers, Materials and Continua SCIE 1546-2218 202203
김기일 Hierarchical Optimization and Grid Scheduling Model for Energy Internet: A Genetic Algorithm-Based Layered Approach Frontiers in Energy Research SCIE 2296-598X 202207
김기일 An extended IEEE 802.15.6 for thermal-aware resource management Ad Hoc Networks SCIE 1570-8705 202206
김기일 BANSIM: A new discrete-event simulator for wireless body area networks with deep reinforcement learning in Python Journal of Systems Architecture SCIE 1383-7621 202205
김기일 "A survey on analytical models for dynamic resource management in wireless body area networks" Ad Hoc Networks SCIE 1570-8705 202210
김기일 An Optimized Approach for Predicting Water Quality Features Based on Machine Learning Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing SCIE 1530-8677 202209
김기일 A Survey on Wireless Wearable Body Area Networks: A Perspective of Technology and Economy Sensors SCIE 1424-8220 202210
김기일 An Enhanced Tree Routing through Multi-criteria Decision Making over Wireless Sensor Networks 19th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS) BK Conf. BKCSA155 202210
김기일 Comparative Evaluation of AI-Based Techniques for Zero-Day Attacks Detection Electronics (Basel) SCIE 2079-9292 202211
김기일 Depression Detection Based on Hybrid Deep Learning SSCL Framework Using Self-Attention Mechanism: An Application to Social Networking Data Sensors SCIE 1424-8220 202212
김기일 An Enhanced Tree Routing Based on Reinforcement Learning in Wireless Sensor Networks Sensors SCIE 1424-8220 202212
김기일 An Optimal Algorithm for mmWave 5G Wireless Networks Based on Neural Network Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience SCIE 1687-5265 202302
김동일 OBGAN: Minority oversampling near borderline with generative adversarial networks Expert Systems with Applications SCIE 0957-4174 202207
김동일 Depressed Mood Prediction of Elderly People with a Wearable Band Sensors SCIE 1424-8220 202205
김형신 Depressed Mood Prediction of Elderly People with a Wearable Band Sensors SCIE 1424-8220 202205
김형신 Software-Level Memory Regulation to Reduce Execution Time Variation on Multicore Real-Time Systems IEEE Access SCIE 2169-3536 202209
김형신 Time-Invariant Features-Based Online Learning for Long-Term Notification Management: A Longitudinal Study Applied Sciences-basel SCIE 2076-3417 202205
박정희 Multi-Class Positive and Unlabeled Learning for High Dimensional Data Based on Outlier Detection in a Low Dimensional Embedding Space Electronics SCIE 2079-9292 202209
박정희 An Air Pollutants Prediction Method Integrating Numerical Models and Artificial Intelligence Models Targeting the Area around Busan Port in Korea Atmosphere SCIE 2073-4433 202209
박정희 Study on the Take-over Performance of Level 3 Autonomous Vehicles Based on Subjective Driving Tendency Questionnaires and Machine Learning Methods ETRI Journal SCIE 1225-6463 202205
박정희 A Comparative Study for Outlier Detection Methods in High Dimensional Text Data Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research SCIE 2083-2567 202301
원유재 Blockchain Token-Based Wild-Simulated Ginseng Quality Management Method Sensors SCIE 1424-8220 202207
원유재 A survey of methods for encrypted network traffic fingerprinting Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering SCIE 1547-1063 202211
이성호 Static Analysis of JNI Programs Via Binary Decompilation IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering SCIE 1383-7621 202302
이영석 Improving Response Time of Home IoT Services in Federated Learning 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) BK Conf. BKCSA131 202204
임성수 Link Pruning for Community Detection in Social Networks Applied Sciences-basel SCIE 2076-3417 202207
임성수(p, n)-Core: Core Decomposition in Signed Networks International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2022) BK Conf. BKCSA175 202204
임성수 OCSM: Finding Overlapping Cohesive Subgraphs with Minimum Degree Information Sciences SCIE 0020-0255 202208
임성수 SiReN: Sign-Aware Recommendation Using Graph Neural Networks IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems SCIE 2162-237X 202205
임성수 LEHAN: Link-feature Enhanced Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network IEEE Access SCIE 2169-3536 202208
임성수 LUEM: Local User Engagement Maximization in Networks Knowledge-Based Systems SCIE 0950-7051 202208
임성수 Graph Anomaly Detection with Graph Neural Networks: Current Status and Challenges IEEE Access SCIE 2169-3536 202210
장진수 3rdParTEE: Securing Third-party IoT Services using the Trusted Execution Environment IEEE Internet of Things Journal SCIE 2327-4662 202209
장진수 MyTEE: Own the Trusted Execution Environment on Embedded Devices NDSS BK Conf. BKCSA124 202302
정상근 Sequence Alignment Ensemble With a Single Neural Network for Sequence Labeling IEEE Access SCIE 2169-3536 202207
정상근 A Deep Neural Network-Based Model Predicting Peritumoral Edema After Radiosurgery for Meningioma World Neurosurgery SCIE 1878-8750 202208
정상근Fine-tuning of BERT Model to Accurately Predict Drug-Target Interactions Pharmaceutics SCIE 1999-4923 202208
정상근 Application of physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model approach to predict pharmacokinetics and drug–drug interaction of rivaroxaban: A case study of rivaroxaban and carbamazepine CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology SCIE 2163-8306 202210
최훈 Sensing Range Extension for Short-Baseline Stereo Camera Using Monocular Depth Estimation Sensors SCIE 1424-8220 202206